Tuesday, February 17, 2009

USA Continues March Toward Socialism

Reasons why California is broke, but nobody in the media will admit:

1. Illegal immigrants sucking up social services for years now
2. Tax and spend environment has driven big business out of state
3. Highly dependent on the real estate and mortgage markets
4. Legal and Illegal immigrants sending earnings out of state.
5. Crowded "justice" system

The rest of the U.S. will surely follow, for the exact same reasons.
(Merely the opinion of the author, not factually based as of this moment)

News Links:

Obama signs $787b "stimulus" bill, dooming us all
Markets Tumble
Mass. wants to tax drivers for mileage, using GPS
Wildlife areas on border shield armed outlaws
Obama approves aerospace system for Syria
Beheading in NY appears to be Muslim honor killing
"Dr. Drug Rep"- fascinating article on Big Pharma

You Shook Me

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