Monday, November 8, 2010

FSU Game Saturday

I was lucky enough to gain entrance to Doak Campbell Stadium Saturday, where Florida State U. was playing the UNC Tarheels in football. I didn't go to school here or anything, I was just working a temp job in town, and had Saturday off. Here are some pictures and video from the game that I patched together.

It was fun hanging out with the college kids. It made me want to turn back the clock and do it all over again, but of course, it's not possible to relive your youth.

I had strange dreams later that night, or more like early the next morning. One dream I do remember was that I was following some even younger kids to an event, and we were in front of a big building. They were about elementary school age I think.  I was at the back of the crowd, and some kids turned and said to me, "C'mon, we're going to a magic show!" I said, "alright!"

The building looked a lot like the football stadium entrance, except smaller. The doors were smaller than normal, and as I followed the kids in, a steep ramp made me run to keep up. We then entered even smaller doors to a smaller room, and then into narrow hallway, where I grew claustrophobic and found it difficult to breathe. As I fell to the floor and began to hyperventilate, a voice said, "You can't go back Kurt. Your youth is's too late. It is time to leave." And I woke up, in my bed, still an old geezer.