Saturday, September 15, 2012

Top 10 Reasons Why Facebook Sucks

  1. Most of your "friends" are more like acquaintances at best.
  2. People get mad if you post anything that even remotely looks like you're having fun.
  3. Stalkers and Private Investigators can easily track your movements.
  4. It's a bragging contest.
  5. Enduring seeing the unattainable women from your younger days with their stupid kids.
  6. "Friends" from your school days get to see the long-term results of your less than stellar career decisions.
  7. If you hated high school, welcome back! 
  8. Witnessing the shocking aging process of people that you would rather remember as being forever young.
  9. Unsolicited opinions on subjects like politics and religion.
  10. Being re-contacted by people from your distant past you had remained out of touch with on purpose and with great relief. 

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