Monday, February 20, 2012

Fake News

It was nice to get out of the states for 10 days. I did not realize it but there is a lot of daily stress in living here, with the declining economy and the shit-head president pitting groups of people against each other and the constant onslaught of the propaganda-media machine, or whatever you want to call it.

I mean, it's about over anyway, isn't it? The older generations took all they could get and then burned what was left of the American dream. Now all we have left are the scraps of a formerly booming country. It's pretty amazing, the disregard for their children and future generations. I don't think I've ever heard of another generation being so self-centered and short-sighted as this.

I'm sure they have similar problems in other countries too. I just couldn't read any of the Spanish-language only newspapers or understand what they were saying on the TV news. It was such a nice break that, as a result of my trip, I have ceased watching the news since I returned stateside. I mean, why watch the news anyway? It's not like I can make a difference, like I actually count. It's all agenda-driven anyway. It's fake news. There is no real, unbiased news. I'm much happier now.....

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