February 29 "is a date that occurs in most years that are evenly divisible by 4, such as 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2016." (Wikipedia) So I guess 2008 was the last time.....
I managed to keep my job for two months now. I will definitely be asking for a raise soon. My goal is to make it through the end of June. Then, I will be done, unless they double my pay or something. I think the underlying problem is that I am not that fond of people in general. I would have been much better at dog training than this people-oriented work. In fact, if I ever win the Powerball, I will be a complete hermit in a hilltop mansion somewhere, with a yard full of animals and pets.
I tend to avoid crowds and social situations, given a choice. I believe they call it, "communication apprehension", which is actually defined in Wikpedia, you know, like "ADD". Yes, another doctor-defined syndrome to explain a formerly normal variant of human behavior that gives them an excuse to create and prescribe pharmaceutical drugs.
I'm sure my desire to avoid human interaction is a result of being raised an only child. Regardless, in this case, I am also forced to endure the company of people that I have absolutely nothing in common with, so I have to be an actor all day on the job. I am learning to deal with different people quite naturally though, after being forced into these situations constantly since graduating with a healthcare degree.
It's actually a much nicer crowd than some of the wealthier neighborhoods I've worked in. Wealthy people really suck - actually the inheritors and children and husbands or wives of the wealthy are the ones that suck - it seems they just can't be pleased - so at least this is bearable in comparison.
I now know that the worst people to deal with on a daily basis - if you have to - are the ones that have had everything handed to them. That is why you will never catch me trying to work in a wealthy neighborhood. Oh sure, I'll move to a wealthy neighborhood if I am ever so fortunate to be able to afford it, but I'd rather work with the worst ghetto killers all day than 10 minutes with a bunch of wealthy pricks for clients.
So the pay is okay for now. I can last, even though the town is packed with "geezers and rednecks"- the geezers are soon leaving for the Northerly climate. Although I am approaching geezer status, I'm in no rush to fit in.
I'm amazed how "country" it is around here. It is a complete change from the coastal areas, which are mainly filled with wealthy pricks and the poor minimum wage people that have to service them.
In fact, the town reminds me of the town in the movie, "Road House".
It is interesting that the main industries here - fruit growing and personal injury lawsuits - are booming in this down economy. Real estate was the big moneymaker here for decades, but that's been stalled since 2008.
Orange you amazed by all this fruit?
Personal Injury is Big Business Here
Work is a zoo. The space is only about 900 square feet. There's no private office so I can't get any privacy the entire day unless I sneak out the back door into the 90 degree heat. The only desk is in the waiting room where the marketing/insurance guy sits there doing paperwork and yelling at insurance people on the phone all day. Ah but that's work. It could be worse I guess.
They want to open another office in another town. I think a better move would be to double the size of this office and add another chiropractor. It certainly has the patient volume.
People are so large nowadays too. Some patients can't even turn themselves over on the table to get treated because of their weight. What's with all the extra pounds? I guess they just can't help it. They make me want to open a weight loss clinic, but I don't think anyone would show up.
Today the dry whirlpool bed sprung a leak after a 380 lb patient laid down on it. I guess there were one too many heavy patients that used it. The equipment needs to be about 20% stronger these days.
The Whirlpool-Therapy Bed is Now Out of Service
I can't believe the chiropractic table has held up. It's a Leader 950. All I have to say about these tables is, "tested tough and highly recommended".
Leader 950
Without decent housing most people are going to be unhappy no matter where they live, so I think that's been an ongoing problem with my stay here. I've been living at the Hotel for two months now, but I imagine there will be some okay places to live once the "snowbirds" go back up north.
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